CSR Activites
Corporate Social Responsibility
Amina Hospitals is committed towards providing healthcare for the socially marginalized and deprived sections of the society. Our CSR initiatives are driven by our vision, philosophy and the need of the community. Healthcare is our main and we also promote awareness and educational programmes on preventive care and training people on several health issues. Our employees volunteer in our CSR initiatives and community development and they are allowed to take out time from their work schedule for these initiatives.
The organisation is dedicated to creating strong methodologies to implement, record, review and measure outcomes of the initiatives for the community at large. This ensures the effectiveness of our programmes and goes a long way in guaranteeing that they continue to be significant, relevant and sustainable so that the beneficiaries derive maximum benefit from our effort. We have also introduced specific programs to protect the environment through our work, like taking care of our biomedical waste, X-ray exposure and more which ensures a cleaner environment and safety for our patients, attendants and employees. All CSR initiatives are reported in the Amina Hospital’s annual report for information of our stakeholders.
Health Check Camps
Ramadan Campaigns
Awareness Campaigns
Public Causes