Amina Hospital

Family Medicine

Focuses care on the individual

Family medicine is the main primary care medical specialty. It focuses care on the individual within the context of the family and the community. Family physicians (refers to both family physicians and general practitioners) deliver services across the entire spectrum of care, regardless of patient age, sex or condition. The family physician is often called upon to deal with undifferentiated clinical problems presenting at an early stage. In addition to acute disorders, which are sometimes life-threatening, there is a high frequency of chronic diseases, emotional problems and transient illnesses.

Family Physicians at Amina Hospital provide comprehensive primary care to all members of the family from newborns to grandparents. Family Physicians play an important role in health promotion and illness prevention, coordinating care with other specialties and health professionals advocating on behalf of their patients with respect to the care and services they need.

Our services span from general diagnosis to therapeutic care to preventive healthcare.

Services Offered:

Our Specialist

Dr. Hafiz Mohamed Ahmed Ali

Specialist Family Medicine

Dr. Mohammed Nihad Al Dalawi

HOD & Specialist Family Medicine

Dr. Mohammed Nihad Al Dalawi

HOD & Specialist Family Medicine

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